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The timeline displays a list of events in chronological order.


dataArray<TimelineData>YesIt is an array of objects of TimelineData type
UserTimelineComponentReact.FC<unknown>YesThe component that will be rendered to create the timeline
userMilestoneIconstring | nullNo

The url of the icon that you want to show for every milestone on the timeline. By default, the Timeline component picks the milestoneIcon passed in the data array prop


The size of the milestone icon. This size will also apply to the image that you can pass to replace the milestone icon. Its default value is 40px


When true, it will show a user provided icon i.e. userMilestoneIcon for every milestone, its value is false by default


The gap (margin) between two timeline entries on the page. Its default value is 16px


Each object in the data array will be used to render a timeline entry. Therefore, every object in the data array should be of the following type.


The url of the the icon which you want to show for that particular milestone


This will be used as the prop object for UserTimelineComponent. The type object literally means any object, hence it can be passed as the prop object to the UserTimelineComponent which accepts the prop object of unknown type i.e. <UserTimelineComponent {...componentPropsData} />

John liked your photo
8:25 am
The photo of you and the dog was liked by John.
Emma commented on your post
9:00 am
Emma left a comment on your post.
Rose sent you a message
11:42 am
Hi Vikrant, I have been thinking about you.
Nathan liked your photo
2:54 pm
Your photo was liked by Nathan.
import { Timeline, UserTimelineComponent } from "canary-design";

const timelineDataArray = [
milestoneIcon: "",
componentPropsData: {
notificationTitle: "John liked your photo",
time: "8:25 am",
content: "The photo of you and the dog was liked by John.",
milestoneIcon: "",
componentPropsData: {
notificationTitle: "Emma commented on your post",
time: "9:00 am",
content: "Emma left a comment on your post.",
milestoneIcon: "",
componentPropsData: {
notificationTitle: "Rose sent you a message",
time: "11:42 am",
content: "Hi Vikrant, I have been thinking about you.",
milestoneIcon: "",
componentPropsData: {
notificationTitle: "Nathan liked your photo",
time: "2:54 pm",
content: "Your photo was liked by Nathan.",

const ExampleTimeline = () => {
return (
UserTimelineComponent={(props) => <UserTimelineComponent {...props} />}

export { ExampleTimeline };